Wednesday 12 January 2011

Staying in

Has it all gone wrong when the Internet seems more interesting than your actual life? I mean, things are happening around me, don’t get me wrong. I had invites to a gallery opening, two spontaneous coffee’s, a date with the cinema (not a date with a person, lets be clear) and I was even thinking of inviting myself to go for a run.
I know where it all started. The pasta lunch. As my mum, when on diet, insists ‘it weighs you down’, and boy did I feel floppy. Digestion whilst seated- the colon/intestine etc folded over into paralysis-  especially when a really good book draws you into that keen ‘hunch-back’ position. (Or would it flush out faster when your sitting down…? I assume that’s the logic of the toilet?) Anywho, the only exercise was from the coffee shop to the car, and from the car to the house. Front door open, bedroom door closed and I am ready for bed. Is this what I’ve come to?
And yet.. (the noise of pondering flutters about a bit)… It takes five minutes in this reflective morose state to realise that actually staying in is not that bad. Give legs a rest, I say! Just think of the clutch and brake muscle they have used this week! Good grief, and to think I almost labeled myself as lazy! And its not like I’m not being productive? Im on my bed, on facebook, texting, writing a blo… oh wait. Real lifes caught up with me again.
I think I’ll go for a walk.

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