Monday 27 December 2010


I’m just delaying things by writing this blog. The plan for this evening was 1) Beard trimming, 2) C.V. written, 3) Sending job apps, and finally 4) Packing for a bit of a Scottish adventure. Christmas TV this year has been amply seductive and I think I am well on the way to getting piles. Scales out and it wasn’t surprising to find that once again this incredibly healthy diet of chocolate and chocolate has meant I am a few pounds lighter. Every year this happens and once again reminds me I have no idea how my body works. To the naked eye, however, it looks like I have stretch marks, so it all balances out.
I really wish ‘motivation’ were my middle name. Sadly it’s Samuel, but the upside is that it means ‘God has Heard’, so I’m quietly confident my middle name will work out better in the long run. Whilst on this subject, it’s really interesting to find out what a name means, and with Google right there ready to help, it’s a pretty quick process. Its not just names that are interesting, I’ve just invested £2.99 in ‘A Guide to Queens English’…and…I bet you didn’t know this: There is a difference between Can’t and Cant.
 Can't is a contraction of cannot. Cant has a number of different meanings, including a slope or slant, or a kind of slang or jargon spoken by a particular group of people. Plus "Canting arms" is a coat-of-arms that represents meaning of the bearer's surname.
Procrastination has numerous connections with Christmas. Loafing, trifling, chocolating all act as perfectly suitable synonyms. Ok I made up the last one. You see, if I didn’t procrastinate, I wouldn’t be able to teach you all this useful stuff!

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